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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reply to Mackenzie from Tony

I hate Mackenzie Kenney with a passion,
And she drives me crazy.
She has no sense of fashion,
And she is so very lazy.

Her hair is so brown and long,
I can't even stand it.
When I look at her see is King Kong,
I want to throw a fit.

I'm so very sorry Mackenzie,
But I do not like you as you like me.
This I wish you could see:
That me and you will never be.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Raspberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Dear Raspberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream,
You are amazing and you never let me down with your delicious taste. Every bite makes me love you even more than before. I love the way you are cold and frozen, but how you slowly melt after you are taken out of the freezer. I love your raspberry red/pink color and those chunky bits of chocolate that melt in my mouth. I savor every bite so that I can just spend more time with you. I remember all those summer days that we spent together and the good times we had. I will always love you Raspberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.